Monday, February 11, 2008

The Lost India......

India, the emerging economy of 21st century, the software hub of world, the most sought after destination for MNCs for their investment(of course after china), the next superpower in the making is what we proudly flaunt today to the rest of the world.But a few years back, say from 25years back, the picture was quite contrasting- the land of snake charmers, the land of bullock carts, the place of naked sadhus, the place where millions died of hunger!! The journey has been, no doubt, quite remarkable.
In the glory of resurgent India, lets just spare a moment to think about what has been lost. Behind the talk of big and powerful MNCs, the feeble voice of swadeshi is lost.In the loud voice of globalisation and liberalisation, the cries of the families of farmers who commited suicide are lost.In the increasing scandals and criminalistion of politics, the credibility of indian democracy is lost. In the rise of regional sentiments, the national feelings are lost. In the victory of Gujarat elections, the memories of Godhra victims are lost. In the celebrations of Bhatiya parwasi diwas(for NRIs), the sufferings of millions who live below the poverty line are lost.In the pompous lightings of big malls, the darkness of millions of villages is lost.In the grand dishes of five star parties, the hungers of millions starving on streets are lost.In the media hype of valentines day, the independence day and republic day are lost.In the cacophony of MTV generation, the melody of Indian classical music is lost.In the huge crowd of mertos and cities, the small villages are lost.In the mad rush for making money, the basic human values are lost.

And when so much things are lost, who cares about the snake charmers and bullock carts, who have quitely disappeared to make way for the shining India!!


Debarshi said...

very true .This article is highly balanced and at the same time without blaming anybody or any system the kind of self retrospection it has been able to spark, makes it remarkable.keep up the good work .....would like to read more on these lines ..........

AskMeiPaaS said...

Good contrast with time!! There is one thing constant that is change. And appreciable the notice on changing India. TOI / HT where are you.
Good one but hope is missing a bit.

Maverick said...

Its not a question of hope or not, It is more to act as an eye opener as we have still much ground to cover.